We are living in unprecedented times. And that demands some adjusting.
But what remains is that we care about you and we are here for you!
During these testing times, yours and our franchisee’s safety is our absolute priority.
When the government lockdown was announced a few weeks ago, we decided as a team to shut down our valeting operations. We did so despite mobile businesses (and workers who can not do their job from home) being allowed to remain open. At the core of this decision was the motivation to do the right thing, both by our team members and our customers.
Some of our franchisees are returning to work. They will only do so for as long as it is safe for them and for our customers. We understand that during these weeks you are limiting your commuting to its absolute necessity and you are only driving when needed – we want to be there for you – let’s beat this virus together with our professional services and sanitising treatments!
Stay Safe, Drive Safe!
We have implemented strict social distancing rules for each valet, such as opening car doors from a distance, and phone payments. A fresh pair of gloves is used for every car. Masks will be worn during all operations and we can assure you that no-one of our Fresh team has been recently abroad.
No tricks, no valeting voodoo – the truth is, there is no miracle chemical or process that will eliminate the virus completely. Which is why our price list and packages have remained the same.
We do know that the cell wall or “skin” of the coronavirus is a lipid, similar to oils and fats. This means that regular alkaline valeting products (which valeting companies have used for years) that break down fats, oil and grease have the potential to kill or weaken the virus.
We will not charge you ridiculous amounts of money for a dose of hand-gel added to a valet that wouldn’t be any more effective than standard products.
Rest assured the situation is constantly re-assessed, and
we truly appreciate your support throughout this crisis.
Thank you!